vineri, 4 iunie 2010

International Symposium ,, Creativity and Innovation in special education for combating poverty and social exclusion " May 28, 2010

With this symposium we close our project where students with special needs had a good partenership and collaboration around the Europe see this video hwo I present at the International Symposium and many videos fromm the parteners .

Find more photos like this on Parteners from the project Different , but equal

Special School Caransebes Romania founder in eTwinning project ,,Different, but equal " organized in 28 may International Symposium ,, Creativity and Innovation in special education for combating social exclusion " . At the first part at the event participated also students from Special School Caransebes Romania , Liceul Teoretic Traian Doda Romania and Seminarul Teologic Caransebes Romania and also county and local authorities , parteners and also other teachers . Here you can see our youtube video playlist with 16 recordings .

We present aslo yours videos dear parteners at the symposium .

International eTwinning project ,, Different , but equal " in Estonia . Founder teacher Signe Leht .

Different, but

Signe | MySpace Video

International eTwinning project ,, Different , but equal " in Bulgary . Teacher Tosko Lambov .
Организатори на изложбата базар е Помощно училище „Васил Друмев”, с подкрепата на Сдружение „Сияйна Зора” и РБ „Стилиян Чилингиров”.

International eTwinning project ,, Different , but equal " in Germany .Teacher Iris Weitzel Guempel .

International eTwinning project ,, Different , but equal " in Italy - Teacher Paola Lupi .

joi, 6 mai 2010


For this event Special School Caransebes Roamania made two cakes : one with eTwinning logo and one with logo of the project ,,Different, but equal "

Teacher Cornel Lucian Duma, coordinator for programs and projects in Special School Caransebes speak about

eTwinning ( community for schools over Europe ) who celebrate 5 years

eTwinning has brought a whole new dimension to Special School Caransebes because our students through this portal could see how the educational process takes place in other European countries and they saw in eTwinning project , Different, but EQUAL. " – partenership and collaboration between students with special needs in Europe what activities make pupils with SEN . eTwinning is part of Comenius program and is the European Community Schools . Teachers in the participating countries may enter the site and use eTwinning tools online (portal and desktop) and other tools and applications web 2.0 and social media to get in touch, exchange ideas and practical examples to form groups to participate in seminars and to conduct projects online.
Etwinning.net platform offers:
- Educational tools that integrate new technologies in learning;
- Proximity to other participating countries and their better knowledge;
- Engaging in joint curriculum;
- Participation in a European network of teachers and professional development opportunities through
- Cooperation in international projects and participating in international seminars training / exchange of experience;
- An attractive framework for learning for students and teachers;
- Official recognition and greater visibility of activity at national and European participants;
- Annual awards and national and European quality certificates for the best projects.

A program for students
By participating in eTwinning projects (community for schools in Europe ) students can communicate with other students from participating countries to find specific items of particular cultural or education in partner countries and to learn using new technologies to improve their skills communication in foreign languages.
A program for community
Online twinning of schools may be accompanied by twinning communities. Some cities have decided to complete online communication and cooperation with other projects - visits, cultural activities for adults

- 5 may - European Day for fighting against discrimination of people with special needs . Headteacher Scoala Speciala Caransebes Mihaela Ghita speak about this day .

- 5 may - We celebrate Europe in Special School Caransebes Romania because in 9 may is European Day and we are involved in Spring Day 2010 .

About Spring Day 2010 speack teacher Mariana Ionescu .

Speak also director of the Casa Corpului Didactic Caras-Severin Tudor Deaconu .

From Consiliului Judetean Caras-Severin participated mister Gheorghe Magas and Pavel Ponetchi who speak about this event .

From Asociatia Femeilor Ortodoxe speack presedint Monica Iacobescu .

At the final all the students and teachers where served with cakes by the coordinators of the eTwinning project ,,Different, but equal "

luni, 5 aprilie 2010

Възкресение Христово

Великден (Възкресение Христово, Пасха) е денят, в който християните празнуват възкресението на сина Божи Иисус Христос.

Подготовката за честването му започва в седмицата преди Великден, наричана Страстна седмица. Празнува се три дни. Вечерта преди полунощ в събота се отслужва тържествено богослужение, като точно в полунощ свещеникът обявява Възкресението с думите „Христос Воскресе“. При обявяването на Възкресението, свещеникът изнася запалена свещ, от която всички присъстващи палят своите свещи, които носят по домовете си. Последованието, свързано със запалването на свещите, е заимствано от подобно, което се извършва в Йерусалим, в храма „Св. Възкресение“, при слизането на Благодатния огън.

Easter in Bulgaria

duminică, 14 martie 2010

For international exhibition organized by Scoala Speciala Caransebes Romania in this project send artworks 6 parteners-countries

Our local television Banat Tv present the vernisage of the international exhibition related to our project ,, Different, but equal "

Dear parteners here you can show your students some photos when we made the vernisage of the international exhibition .

Find more photos like this on Parteners from the project Different , but equal

Here you can see the artworks , paitings and drawings from the international exhibition :

For international exhibition related to Martisoare and Annunciation we received artworks , paitings and drawings made by students from next teachers - parteners countries and for this reason we want to thank you very much to :

1.Toshko Lambov

ПУ "Васил Друмев", Shumen, Bulgaria

2. Bracke Johan

Instituut Bert Carlier, Gent, Belgium

3.Arzu Borlas

Maltepe Kız Teknik Ve Meslek Lisesi, Maltepe, Turkey

4.Irina Ivanova

DUCOR "Partenija Zografski", Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

5. Solveiga Puišienė

Kupiškio Kupos pradinė mokykla, Kupiškis, Lithuania

6. Last but not last our partener - founder with us

Signe Leht

Pärnu Toimetulekukool, Pärnu, Estonia

This paintings on the glass and on the wood was made by students from Scoala Speciala Caransebes .

Our parteners from Greece made also artworks for exhibition but they had a problem and don't send in Romania . Here are artworks from Greece

luni, 1 martie 2010

1 Mars - The day of Martisor

I wish all our partners and your students a spring in peace, silence and as many achievements both on a personal level and professionally.

The Legend of Martisor

Our international exhibition related aso to martisoare and you can read more here .

Mărţişor (Romanian pronunciation: [mərt͡siˈʃor]) is a traditional celebration of the beginning of Spring, on the 1st of March. It is a tradition in Moldova, Romania, and all territories inhabited by Romanians, or Daco-Romanians, and also Aromanians. Similar customs are found in Bulgaria (Мартеница), Macedonia, Albania[1], Italy[2].

The name Mărţişor is the diminutive of the name for March (Martie, in Romanian), and thus literally means "little" or "dear March". It is also the folk name for this month.

Mărţişor, marţ and mărţiguş are all names for the red and white (or black and white, also blue and white) string, from which usually a small decoration is tied, and which is offered by people on the 1st day of March[3]. Giving this Talisman to other people is an old custom, and it is believed that the one who wears the red and white string will be powerful and healthy for the year to come. It is also a symbol of the coming spring. Usually, women wear it pinned to their blouses for the first 12 days of this month, until other certain spring celebrations, or until the bloom of certain fruit-trees. In some regions, a gold or silver coin is hanged from the string, which they wear it around the neck. After wearing it for a certain period of time, they buy red wine and sweet cheese with the coin, according to the belief that their faces would remain beautiful and white as cheese, and rubicund as the red wine, for the entire year .

In modern times, the Mărţişor lost most of its talisman properties and became more of a symbol of friendship and love, appreciation and respect. The black threads were replaced with red, but the delicate wool ropes are still a ‘cottage industry’ among the country people. They still comb out the wool, dye the floss, and twist it into thousands of tassels. In certain areas the amulets are still made with black and white ropes, for warding off evil!


Mărţişor tradition is very old, and, according to the archaeological research, it is traced more than 8 000 years ago[6]. Some of the ethnologists consider Mărţişor to have a Roman origin, and some other consider it to have a Daco-Thracian origin.

In ancient Rome, New Year's Eve was celebrated on the 1st of March ('Martius'), month which was called in the honour of the god Mars. Mars was not only the god of war but also the god of agriculture, which leads to nature rebirth. So, red and white colours of Mărţişor may be explained as colours of war and peace[7].

The Thracians also used to celebrate the New Year's Eve on the first day of March, month which took the name of the god Marsyas Silen, the inventor of the pipe (fluier, traditional musical instrument), whose cult was related to the land and vegetation. The spring celebrations, of flowers and nature fertility, were consecrated to him. So, the New Year celebrated on the first day of March is the rebirth of nature. In the time of the Dacians, the spring symbols were confectioned during the winter and worn only after 1st of March. At that time, Mărţişoarele were made of small river pebbles, coloured in white and red, stringed on a thread and worn around the neck. According to other sources, the Mărţişors were made of coins hanged on thin wool threads, coloured in black and white. The type of the coin (gold, silver, or bronze) used to indicate the social statute. The Mărţişors were worn to bring good luck and also good weather. Those amulets were considered to bring fertility, beauty and to protect against sunburn. They were worn until the trees started to bloom, ad then they were hanged on their branches[8].

In some territories, Daco-Romanians still celebrate the Agrarian New Year in spring. The days at the beginning of March (Martie, in Romanian) are considered days of a new beginning. So, before the 1st of March, especially women use to chose one day from the first 9; judging by how the weather is on the chosen day, they know how the new year will be for them. In some places, young men find out, in a similar way, how their wives are going to be. The days at the beginning of March are called Baba Dochia's Days, Baba Dochia being an image of the Great Earth Goddess.


The Mărţişor is a talisman (amulet) made of knitted threads (wool, cotton, or silk). Nowadays, the most popular version of it is made of red and white threads, but in some regions it is still made of black and white, or even blue and white.

Black and White

Initially, the Mărţişor string used to be called year's rope (‘’funia anului’’, in Daco-Romanian), made by black and white wool threads, representing the 365 days of the year. ‘'The Year's Rope'’ was the link between the winter and the summer, black and white representing the opposition and also the unity of the contraries: dark & light, cold & warmth, death & life. The ‘’Mărţişor’’ is the thread of the days of the year, spinned up by Baba Dochia, likewise the thread of man's life, which is spinned up at birth by the fates (Ursitoare)[10].

White is the symbol of purity, the sum of all the colours, the light, while Black is the colour of origins, of distinction, of fecundation and fertility, a colour of the fruitful soil. White is the sky, the Allfather, while Black is the mother of all, Mother Earth.

Red and White

According to the ancient Rome tradition, the ides of March was the perfect time to begin the war campaigns. Related to this context, it is considered that the red string of Mărţişor signifies the vitality, while the white one is the symbol of victory .

Red is the colour of fire, blood, and the symbol of life, associated with the woman. Meanwhile, White is the colour of the cold snow, foamy waters, the clouds, and also of man's wisdom[12]. So, the thread of the Mărţişor represents the union of the feminine and the masculine principles, the vital forces which give birth to the eternal cycle of the nature.

Red and white are also the complementary colours present in all the key traditions of the Daco-Romanian folklore.

George Coşbuc stated, in a research over the Mărţişor, that it is a symbol of fire and light, a symbol of the Sun. Not only the colours, but also the traditional silver coin hanged up from the thread is associated to the Sun. White, the colour of the silver, is also a symbol of power, force. This is only one of the reasons why the Mărţişor is a sacred amulet[13]. The round form of the coin is associated with the round form of the Sun, while the material of it, silver, is associated with the Moon. This is, again, the unity of the masculine and feminine principles, and the eternal movement of the matter.

In the Daco-Romanian folklore, the seasons are attributed symbolic colours: spring is red, summer is green or yellow, autumn is black, and winter is white. This is why one can also say that the Mărţişor thread, knitted in white and red, is a symbol of passing, from the white winter, to the lively spring, associated with fire and blood

Daco-Romanian Legends

There are many different legends which explain the tradition of Mărţişor. Here are just two of them.

On the first day of March, the wonderful Spring came out to the verge of the forest. She looked around and saw in the blackthorn a little dainty snowdrop appearing from the snow. The kind Spring wanted to help the snowdrop and started to take away the snow and thorny branches. The Winter saw this and became angry. She brought severe wind and snow to wipe out the little flower. However, the Spring covered the flower by her hands. She wounded her finger and hot blood dropped to the faint flower. Thanks to that, the snowdrop came to life. Thus the wonderful Spring won over the Winter. Since that time, people wear little Mărţişors, which symbolize the red blood on the white snow[15].

And another legend:

There was a time when the Sun used to take the shape of a young man and descend on Earth to dance among the people. A dragon found out about this and followed the Sun on Earth, captured him and confined him in a dungeon in his castle. Suddenly, the birds stopped singing, and the children could not laugh anymore, but no one dared to confront the dragon. One day, a brave young man set out to find the dungeon and free the Sun. Many people joined in and gave him strength and courage to challenge the mighty dragon. The journey lasted three seasons: summer, autumn and winter. At the end of the third season the brave young man could finally reach the castle of the dragon, where the Sun was imprisoned. The fight lasted several days until the dragon was defeated. Weakened by his wounds, the brave young man however managed to set the Sun free, to the joy of those who believed in him. Nature was alive again, people got back their smile, but the brave young man could not make it through spring. His warm blood was draining from his wounds in the snow. With the snow melting, white flowers, called snowdrops, harbingers of spring, sprouted from the thawing soil. When the last drop of the brave young man's blood fell on the pure white snow he died with pride that his life served a noble purpose. Since then people braid two tassels: one white and one red. Every March 1 men offer this amulet called Mărţişor to the women they love. The red colour symbolizes love for all that is beautiful and also the blood of the brave young man, while white represents purity, good health and the snowdrop, the first flower of spring[16].
[edit] Relation to the Bulgarian Мартеница
Bulgarian martenitsa

Many ethnographers consider the clearly related Mărţişor and Мартеница as being of Thracian origin, as attested by archaeological evidence[17]. They argue that the Bulgarian legend concerning the origin of the Мартеница is nothing more than a late 19th century Romantic invention, not rooted in the past. It was meant to emphasize the distinctiveness of the Bulgarian people in relation to the Romanians (slavicised or not) who once constituted an important part of the population of Bulgaria, influencing the modern Bulgarian traditional culture (see also Căluşari, Kukeri, etc.)[18].
[edit] Bulgarian Legends
Main article: Martenitsa

According to one of the several proposed legends attempting to explain the Mărţişor/Martenitsa in Bulgaria, the custom has roots in the late seventh century. This legend, first attested in the 20th century, says that the Bolgar Khan Asparukh wanted to send a message to other Bolgars across the Danube. He tied his letter with a white string to the leg of a white pigeon. The Eastern Romans (i.e. Byzantines) saw the pigeon flying and hurt it with an arrow. It was finally able to deliver the important message but the white string has turned into reddish because of the pigeon's blood. The Bolgars then started to wear this thread.

Another Bulgarian alternative theory completely omits the role of the Bolgars in introducing the Martenitsa into the Balkan folklore, and instead links the custom to the Thracians (but excludes the Romanised Thracians/Romanians altogether).
Gallery .

See also the snowdroup legend .

sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2010



The ritual use of red or white-red fabrics, ribbons, thread, tassels or knots is attested in the Balkans, Asia Minor, Egypt and the Middle East since antiquity. In ancient times, red meant Goddess (birth and death), and white - her son (sun, afterlife, eternity). Oldest sources, describing how the Bulgarians were decked with red and white threads of their inns for health, strength and longevity. Thus it appears that most probably originally Bulgarian holiday is coming from the years 580-630th. From Asia (the continent, which originally Bulgarians living) tradition is carried in Europe with the deportation of a large group of Bulgarians, led by Han Asparuh. Tradition is respected today and in the territories that were Bulgarian - part of Romania, Macedonia, part of Greece, Serbia, and also in some of today's Russia.


Many health and success

vineri, 12 februarie 2010

eTwinning Conference 2010 Seville, Spain, from 5-7 February

The conference will bring together nearly 500 invited participants from across Europe, including eTwinning teachers, international experts and representatives from the European Commission and the Central and National Support Services (CSS and NSS).

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Dear parteners this days I launch project ,, Different, but equal " in Romania

Our dear parteners you can follow what activities we make in Romania . Click on this link . http://proiectdiferitidaregali.ning.com/ and also You can click on the picture that is above blog entry (our mascot).

Winter in our Special School Caransebes Romania

Winter in our Special School Caransebes :we make paintings , drawings ,ornaments and Christmas cards and we celebrate the birth of Son of God .

Paitings and drawings made by students from Special School Caransebes and this presentation is made by Marius, student in WIII class .

Winter in Bulgaria Toshko Lambov ПУ "Васил Друмев"

marți, 12 ianuarie 2010

Dear parteners see Skype chat from 10 January 2010 .

Dear friends last Sunday we meet on-line next parteners : founder Profesor DUMA CORNEL LUCIAN,ROMANIA ; Johan Bracke, Belgium , Arzu Borlas, Turkye ; Toshko Lambov, Bulgaria ; Solveiga Puišienė, Lithania ; and a short period of time founder Signe Leht (Estonia) . Next sunday all of you are invited at 7 o'clock to chat .
Here you can read our conversation .